So my parents dog-sat for us while we were in Seattle. I was worried because Theo is my baby! But I wasn't worried because while my parents have never had a dog while I was alive, they have both been dog owners in the past. They knew what they were doing. And Theo was definitely a happy dog while I was gone. He loves my dad. My mom said, while I was gone, when she would let Theo out of his crate, and he would go lay down in front of their bedroom door and wait for my dad to get up. So funny.
This area has coyotes, so we had to be very careful while walking him at night. It was uneventful for the most part, but there were a few incidents. One night we heard 4 or 5 coyotes all howling and having a gay old time. I didn't stick around to find out what they were so excited about, just in case Theo was what they had their eyes on. He does look like a super-sized bunny, their main staple, after all! And last night Theo almost walked right over a scorpion. My parents said they've never seen a scorpion here, so of course, I found one. Heh.
I think Theo is going to be sad to leave tomorrow, especially since there's a very long car ride involved!
Happy September everyone!
PS: I know I've been blogging a lot about agility. I believe last I updated, I said that we were taking a break from agility. I meant for it to just be one session...but I found out last week that I'm getting laid off from my job. Boo! I know. D: So we'll be cutting back on things like agility classes starting now, and doggy daycare if I don't find another job before my 60 days is up. Wish me luck because I know Theo will definitely miss his doggy daycare buddies!
sorry about the job; unfortunately its the sign of the times, isn't it? hope you find something as soon as you can
cute idea of your mom's to incorporate the 2 visits together and for her to dog-sit for you guys. From what you were saying, I'm sure Theo was "the king" while he was there and while you guys were in Seattle
safe travels!!
I think Theo will enjoy having you home with him; you'll have to see if you can arrange play dates for him :)
Maybe since you are home Theo won't really miss day care.. I know on weekends and such, Gibson gets so exhausted just watching me throughout the day :) Let's hope that he can go back there soon though!! Good luck on the job hunt!!
Hope all is well and things are looking up on the job front.
hey, just stopped in to say CONGRATULATIONS to you and Theo for making Kelly's corgi calendar!! such a cute picture of Theo; he will be a good start to the year 2010!!!!!
congrats again :)
hope everything is going okay and you were able to find another job
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