Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Update On New Product: Antler Chews

First off, let me just say that when I was raving about antler chews last month I totally forget to give credit to Amanda and her Pugs Blog for introducing me to the product in the first place! So thanks Amanda for introducing me to this new wonder product!

Second, I just wanted to let you know that after having tried out the chew for a few weeks now I can safely say these things really are a wonder. Theo has already worn his chew down to almost a nub! A few more scrapes and into the trash it goes (I don't want him choking on a big piece)! I've already ordered 3 more. They were out of stock on the medium and I couldn't wait until they got more in, so I decided to go for the large. I'm confident that even if they're a bit big for him, he'll still hunker down and chew 'em like a pro.

Once Theo got to the marrow, I think that's when he really discovered his love for the chews. At first he was a casual chewer, usually preferring his Nylabone. But after he got to the marrow the Nylabone went out the window! I think I've seen him chew on it once or twice in the last 3 weeks. I'd say on the priority list, the Nylabone is at the bottom. I'm not sure whether the antler or a bully stick would win for the top spot...probably the bully stick because it smells enticing.

If I were giving an antler chew for the first time, now that I know how Theo reacted to it, I might have tried to encourage him to chew it more in the beginning, maybe by spreading a little peanut butter or something yummy on it, just until he got to the marrow and discovered its deliciousness.

If anyone has already or decides to try this product I hope you'll post a comment and let me know what you think.


Anonymous said...

I bought one for Gibson after reading your blog..He so far has been pretty casual about it, but it is the one thing he'll sit and chew on for a long time. I cant wait til he gets to the marrow!

JuLo said...

That's exactly how Theo was about it at first. He wasn't wild about it, but he always chewed on it a little everyday. Hehe.

Ivy@PaperElixir said...

Hmm, I'm thinking about getting one (those bully sticks stink soooo bad), but Bryson isn't into nylabone (or things that don't have an obvious "flavor"). So how long did it take Theo to get down to the yummy marrow?

JuLo said...

Hmmm...that's interesting. I don't know how much Bryson would like them then.

Well when I first gave Theo his he went wild over it at first. It was like his doggy instinct of wanting to chew on a part of an animal kicked in or something. So he chewed it a lot the first night we gave it to him. After that he was hot and cold for probably a week, and I think that's about when he got to the marrow, and it was all love after that. I hope that helps!

When I got one I figured, what's 10 bucks for the chance to get rid of stinky bully sticks and plastic nylabones. Hehe.