Saturday, October 18, 2008

Theo The Joiner?

Yesterday I was talking to the woman who owns the place I take Theo for doggy daycare. I was telling her about Theo's recent obsession with playing fetch and how I need to find a way to channel it so he's not wanting to play every second of the day. "He needs to play flyball." Genius!

Flyball, if you don't remember my video post, is a team sport like a relay race. The dogs go one at a time down a course with hurdles, hit a pedal that launches a ball into the air, catch the ball in their mouth and run back down the course with it. Sounds perfect for a dog that likes to play fetch!

Unfortunately, since it's a team sport, it's not like agility where I can find a class anywhere. So how do I teach him flyball and how do I find a team? I asked the woman just that and she said that next time she meets with her team (next Sunday I think) she'll let me know and I can come and check it out. Awesome!

I hope, I hope, I hope this works out because Theo is driving me crazy lately. I think part of it is stress because Husband has been working really late all week, but he will not do anything but play fetch. He won't play with any other toy. He won't play with me at all except to play fetch. No matter how much excercise I give him he always has energy for more fetch. When I let him outside to go do his business, he goes straight for where I keep the tennis balls. It's on his mind 24/7. Hopefully between flyball, agility, and herding I can find something to better channel all that herding energy!


Ivy@PaperElixir said...

I've watched a documentary about flyball, those dogs are FAST! I hope Theo can find a team he can join, it'll definitely be fun and he probably won't be bugging you to fetch after practice ;)

JuLo said...

One can only dream...